Educating the Next Generation

The Breckenridge School system ranks as the best in Gratiot County. The high school, middle school and the elementary school are all North Central Association accredited. The District operates on an annual $8 million budget.
A wide range of educational experiences and opportunities for students within a well-rounded core-curriculum are offered. The District has top quality up-to-date computer technology. A modern innovative vocational education program is offered. The school offers multiple scholarships to qualifying graduates each year.
The middle and elementary schools have recently been modernized and large physical expansions were completed.
Breckenridge High School
It has been a busy fall here at Breckenridge High School and Middle School. BHS incorporated a new Broadcast Class that has been covering our sporting events and assemblies. On October 7, 2016 they will go live on the MHSAA network for the first time! The members of the class interview teachers and coaches, do play by play at athletic events and have recorded the Queen’s Assembly during homecoming week. Currently the Breckenridge vs Coleman football and volleyball games and the Queen’s Assembly are all on the website. These broadcasts are uploaded to the National Federation High School network for anyone to watch.

Dual Enrollment
BHS is also partnering with Saginaw Valley State University on a dual enrollment class held on our campus. High School students can enroll through SVSU and take English 111 on Monday evenings, with this they will receive 3 credits from SVSU. Five high school students and 6 SVSU students took advantage of this program. BHS hopes to partner with SVSU during the Winter semester for another class.
Breckenridge Middle School
Breckenridge Middle School has added two classes in the last two years that target Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Mrs. Carla Giles is teaching a class for the 6th graders which focuses on Science and Math.
Here is what she is currently working on with her class: STEM is the acronym for science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM was designed to get students interested in these career fields. STEM labs provide meaningful integrated activities to engage students in solving real-world problems using scientific inquiry, content knowledge, and technological design. We have been doing math labs that focus on math skills (Mean, Median, Mode, and Range) where they have to demonstrate their math skills and use research and inquiry to analyze their information using graphs and charts. Math Labs that the students have completed thus far are Olympic Medal Count, Math Olympics, Use Your Shoe, Bubble Gum Physics, and Candy Math. The students are starting a Physical Science lab that will consist of designing a lighthouse that will light when you use a switch. They will have to research the lighthouse, current and electricity, conductors and insulators, circuits, and energy. With their group they will collaborate and design a model to represent their task and write a research essay.

Miss Landis is teaching a class for the 7th and 8th graders, she will be targeting the technology piece of STEM.
This is a semester introductory course to Computer Science. Students will explore Computer Science through Google's CS First Club activities using block-based coding utilizing Scratch.
- increaseconfidence when using computers
- instillcourage to try new things
- growperseverance when tackling new problems
- provide asense of belonging in technology
- demonstrate theimpact that computer science (CS) has in careers and communities
Computer science IS…
- a theory and practice that allows you to program a computer to do what you want it to
- a tool that helps you tell a story or make something happen with technology
- a discipline that emphasizes persistence in problem solving — a skill that is applicable across disciplines, driving job growthand innovation across all sectors of the workforce
- a skill that teaches students how to use computers to create, not just consume
Thanks to Mrs. Giles and Miss Landis for their work on creating these interesting classes for students!
Breckenridge Elementary School
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 7:30am-3:30pm
Summer Office Hours: 8:00am-3:00pm

Elementary Points of Pride
Here at Breckenridge, we are committed to excellence and strive to nourish the development and unique abilities of the whole child. This includes a Multi-Tiered System of Support for all students which includes academic, emotional and social behaviors. Our students enjoy music, art, physical education, health and two daily recesses. Our programs include College and Career Readiness Curriculum, Accelerated Reader, Title I, Reading A-Z, MobyMax and more. We have been a high tech school for four years with 1-1 Chromebooks in 2nd-5th grades and 2-1 IPads in Kindergarten and 1st Grades. We are able to offer field trip experiences at each grade level including a three day camp experience for 5th grade. We celebrate our successes with Huskie Pride PAWS, Students of the Month, Wall of Wonderful Work, Family Fun Nights, and our Spring Carnival.
Preschool Points of Pride

Huskie Pup Learning Center In our commitment to excellence, we believe quality early childhood education is essential before Kindergarten. We have expanded this year to include two licensed Reggio-Emilia inspired classrooms in the Huskie Pup Learning Center offering a nature and community enriched program year-round! We offer a 3-year preschool, 4-year preschool and Childcare serving children ages 2 ½ - 5 years from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reggio-Emilia is an innovative and inspiring approach using children’s natural curiosity through purposeful play of investigations, explorations and interests to drive personal learning and development. A special thank you goes to Gratiot Community Foundations for supporting this approach! Call 989-708-4705 or email for more information. We also have two licensed GSRP preschool classrooms for children who are 4 by September 1st. This is a free/low cost tuition (state funded) program for those who qualify. We have a STARS rating of 4 out of 5. Call 989-331-1022 for enrollment information or enroll on-line at