Offering a Resting Place for Loved Ones Since 1901
The Ridgelawn Cemetery is located within the Breckenridge Village limits. The cemetery is north of M-46, between Elm and Sexton Streets, with the main entrance off Pine Street.
The first meeting for the purpose of organizing the Breckenridge Cemetery Association was held May 13, 1901. In May of 1923, it was resolved “that it is the sense of the Board of Directors of the Breckenridge Cemetery Association that in the best interest of the association to transfer all of its property rights including any rights of burials lots heretofore conveyed to the Village of Breckenridge upon the condition that said Village of Breckenridge take over said property and look after and care for said cemetery”.
The Ridgelawn Cemetery now consists of eleven acres and there are roughly 6200 bodies resting at peace there. The cemetery is endowed for perpetual care. There are faucets at convenient locations throughout the cemetery for watering plants and flowers. All the cemetery roads are paved, and lined with stately trees which make it a pleasant place to visit.
Information reference purchasing lots, burial arrangements, foundations and genealogy can be obtained through the Breckenridge Village Office, during regular office hours.
The Gratiot County Historical and Genealogy Society published a booklet in November 2002, called “Ridgelawn Cemetery Burial Records”, which is available for purchase from the Society at P. O. Box 73, Ithaca, MI 48847.
Cemetery foundations are poured by the Village DPW crew at least two times each year. Summer grave decorations may be placed on gravesites from April 15 through October 1, and winter grave decorations may be placed on gravesites from October 15 through March 31.
Rules and Regulations
Columbarium Niches are available for purchase in the Ridgelawn Cemetery.
A cremation Niche is a small personalized above ground space where an Urn is placed inside and sealed. A beautifully polished Black Granite front cover is permanently engraved with the loved ones name and dates. Prices include Niche location, interment and faceplate engraving.